



  不斷探索創新,泰然面對挑戰 索泰,致力于奉獻切實適合中國用戶需求的通訊產品。


Suotai Communication Technology Co., Ltd is a high technology enterprise by integrating production, development and selling in the field of communication, its main products are: digital programmable control exchange, group telephone, telephone recorder, hotel management software and so on. Some products have passed the compulsory certificate, i.e. CCC certificate in accordance with China standard, and have also been granted the telecommunication equipment network access license issued by Information and Industry Ministry, PRC. Suotai Communication Technology Co., Ltd has a technological team with confident technology, the products in the company are full of functions, and with best quality, thus the company is always in a leading position in domestic market. With years of development, the business scale of the company has been expanded continuously, and has won extensive praisal. The products in the company are also sold in whole China, Southeast Asia, Africa and other countries. Suotai Communication Technology Co., Ltd realizes modern enterprise management system, keeps a close eye on the response of market, makes efforts to offer perfect after-sales service, and has already established offices and agent chains in most cities in China.

主站蜘蛛池模板: 新闻| 吉木乃县| 盐池县| 莒南县| 江华| 崇义县| 凤山市| 临汾市| 正定县| 五原县| 论坛| 红桥区| 永和县| 大同县| 化州市| 灵丘县| 巩义市| 株洲县| 阿合奇县| 微博| 富顺县| 安庆市| 五河县| 科尔| 仁怀市| 德惠市| 开封县| 扶沟县| 云安县| 龙州县| 茶陵县| 海南省| 临夏县| 晴隆县| 鄂伦春自治旗| 孟村| 双柏县| 阳东县| 周口市| 炉霍县| 郑州市|